McDonald's Japan apologized to customers on Wednesday after foreign objects were found in its food and said it was taking various steps to supervise manufacturing and its stores to ensure there are no recurrences.
A customer complained to the Japanese arm of the fast food giant after finding a foreign body in a serving of potatoes from an outlet in Osaka, two senior vice presidents told a press conference in Tokyo. ?An independent investigation ordered by McDonald's determined that the object was a tooth but concluded that it had not been cooked, said McDonald's staff.
The customer, a mother with a small child, told a TV station that the store manager who visited her said the tooth had been "fried". "I received an apology only when the store manager came over," the customer, whose name was not revealed, told the JNN network.
The incident is the latest public relations setback for the firm, and comes after a customer found a piece of vinyl inside a chicken nugget at an outlet in the northern city of Misawa. There was a similar case of contamination at a Tokyo branch. The company also said a tiny piece of hard plastic was found in a sundae in the northeastern city of Koriyama in December.
The company has said it is investing in measures to improve product quality, such as unannounced audits of suppliers and distribution of more food-quality information to customers.

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